low voltage outdoor lighting lowers electric bills

by:IPON LED     2020-05-07
Written by Bernard Gladstone Juni 1975, this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before its online publication began in 1996.
To keep these articles as they appear initially, the Times will not change, edit, or update them.
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Outdoor lighting of all types
Whether it\'s to enhance the night view, safety, security, or just to allow the use of outdoor facilities after dark
Is a widely accepted part of most home lighting plans today.
Because of this, new homes and major renovations almost always include the provision of some kind of outdoor lighting (
Even if there are only a few floodlights on the garage door, there is a pillar lantern in front of the walk).
However, many old houses currently have only entrance door lights --
Although safety experts have strongly recommended outdoor walks and bend-over lighting, police and insurance companies have agreed that the possibility of lighting the lights to eliminate darkness, and that thieves or vandals can cause damage in shadow areas that are invisible.
A few years ago, adding new outdoor lighting was a rather expensive project that could only be done by a professional electrician, including the purchase of high-priced, high-wattage lighting equipment.
The situation is very different now.
Now with a special type of plastic clip sleeve semi-flexible wiring that can be safely buried underground or installed in wet places, many companies now produce various lines with moderate prices, decorative appearance and efficient lighting equipment, designed for outdoor use, with lower power consumption compared to the old model.
In addition, there is also a development that may do more than any other development to simplify the installation of outdoor lighting around existing homes --
Development of low voltage wiring and lighting systems.
Because low-voltage outdoor lighting systems involve low-voltage lines that are safe and easy to handle (
Usually 12 volts.
The voltage used in the doorbell system is roughly the same)
They are safer and simpler than normal 120v home wiring.
They are perfect for self-installation-
Even if the bare wire is accidentally touched when the current is turned on, there is no danger of electric shock-
Low voltage cables or wires do not have to be buried (
They can be hung on the ground or on the back of the planting)
, Though they can be buried to get out of trouble if needed.
The low-voltage lighting system also has two other advantages: economy and flexibility.
The cost of the fixture is usually only slightly lower than the high wattage component, but the biggest economic benefit is in operation --
The 12 volt lamp consumes much less energy than the Volt lamp, so the electricity bill for the 12 volt system is usually lower.
However, the low-pressure bulbs will not be as bright as the 120v units of the same size, so they may not be suitable for floodlighting or for providing bright lighting on the terrace and similar living areas.
On the other hand, they provide enough light for the low-rise lights on the path or porch, or for the decorative key lighting in the yard or garden.
Advertising adds flexibility through low-voltage lighting systems;
Because in the case of little or no re-wiring, the fixtures can be easily moved when needed.
Fixtures are mounted on spikes that can be pushed into the soil, and they usually have simple connectors that allow to be fixed on the cable at any time without cutting off the wires (
When removing the fixture, the insulation is self-sealed).
All low-voltage lighting systems use transformers to reduce the home voltage to the required J2 volts or lower.
Connecting a transformer to a home wiring system is the job of an electrician or someone familiar with electrical work, although most people have plugs that they can just plug into the right outlet outside the garage or House (
This socket is best on its own circuit to avoid overload of any home circuit).
After installing the transformer, any home handyman can connect the low voltage cable and connect it to each fixture.
However, it is important to keep the cable as short as possible, as the voltage drops rapidly as the distance increases (
The best way is to install the transformer in the middle of the system, if possible, so that the cable of the lamp will go out in each direction, instead of installing the transformer at one end of the system).
The transformer is rated at a specific maximum power, so homeowners should avoid overloading it with too many lights.
If more lights are needed, one second (
Or maybe bigger)
A transformer should be installed to handle the extra load.
There are various types or styles of lighting equipment for these systems-
Some are similar to car spotlights, others are similar to low-level \"mushroom\" lights, Globes, or wall-hung floods.
For convenience, a transformer with a built-in timer can automatically turn on the light at dusk, and then turn off the light at a scheduled time in the evening.
Whether installing a low voltage system or a standard home voltage system (
Or a combination of the two.
High pressure that requires lights on, enough low pressure for decorative or low-intensity lights)
All equipment used shall be in the laboratory of the insurer (
They should have UL tags).
In addition, the lights should be placed so that they do not shine in anyone\'s eyes, especially near steps and walks, to place them as much as possible in order to be inconspicuous during the day.
To save energy, a timer should be used for all out-of-room lights, and a dimmer should be considered for high wattage lights to allow for a reduction in brightness (
So the energy consumed)
When full brightness is not required.
Another new development of advertising in outdoor residential lighting is the use of newly developed home-sized Mercury Steam lamps. These lamps (
Special fixtures are required)
It has long been used in commercial and industrial facilities because each lamp has four to eight times the power of an incandescent lamp, and the life of the bulb has been extended many times.
However, it has only recently developed smaller units suitable for home use.
These are ideal for lanes, terraces and other areas where safety, dining, entertainment or outdoor work requires bright lighting.
They are also very suitable for safety (
Prevent thieves and vandals)
Is the primary consideration.
The model of the home size is more decorative than the commercial model, and the size is as small as 75 watts.
When installing lights, they should be located where children and vandals may be damaged, and in order to minimize the possibility of breakage, the lanterntype fixture should have plastic plates instead of glass.
■ A version of the file was printed on page 149 of the New York edition on June 8, 1975, with the title: Low-voltage outdoor lighting reduces electricity charges.
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