
How to Wire an Indoor Timer Light Switch

by:IPON LED     2020-06-05
You can replace any indoor light switch with an indoor timing switch to control any light in your home.Depending on the type of timer switch you choose, you can program it to turn on and off at least once a day.The timer can give your home a living.Show up when you are away or before you go home every day.You can connect the timer to the lamp using the existing wires inside the electric box.Turn off the lighting circuit breaker in the main service panel.Lean the contactless voltage detector against the current light switch to ensure the power is disconnected.The detector flashes and alerts when there is electricity.Remove the two screws that hold the light switch cover plate to the wall.Remove the cover plate and enter the original light switch.Remove the two screws that hold the original light switch to the wall.Pull the switch off the wall to access the wire.Wrap a piece of tape around the black wire attached to the top screw to identify it as a load wire.Loosen the switch screw.Remove the wire from the switch.Check the back of the indoor timed light switch to identify the wires.Each timer manufacturer uses wires of different colors to indicate the load, such as red or blue.If there is a green and white wire, it represents the residential electrical industry standard: neutral white and green ground.All timers should have a black wire representing the line, and all wires should be labeled for easy identification.If your timer has a white and green wire, unlock the two connectors inside the electric box, fix the white wire together, and fix the bare copper wire together.Match the white timer wire with the white wire inside the electric box.Twist a yellow insulated wire connector at the end of the white wire.Match the green wire in the timer with the bare copper wire.Connect the other yellow wire connectors together by screwing them to the end of the wire.If the timer does not have white and green wires, skip this step.Match the timer light switch wire marked as load with the black wire wrapped in tape.Twist the Orange wire connector to the end of the load wire.Connect the remaining black line in the electric box to the timer light switch wire with another Orange wire connector.Insert the indoor timing light switch into the electric box.Connect the timer to the top and bottom of the box using the supplied switch screw.Install the provided Timer light switch cover plate on the timer.According to the timer switch design, the board will be stuck on the timer or connected to the timer with two screws at the top and bottom of the timer.Open the lighting circuit breaker in the main service panel.
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