o-r-a rgb led matrix wall clock and more **updated jul 2019**

by:IPON LED     2020-05-04
Here I have a new project called O-R-
AIt is an rgb led matrix wall clock that shows: display at a specific time: addictive function: different audio alerts are played by the device for any function.
For various weather conditions, the corresponding audio file will be played when the function is called.
Features such as Google Calendar lists, weather forecasts, RSS breaking news, start with the preselection time when the device is in \"clock mode\", which can also be called a direct operation switch.
Another feature during \"clock mode\" shows the current day/month/year.
Press the ENTER button to run.
Under clock mode, press the change status button and enter the button in 3 seconds to get you to the options menu.
The change status Button is set to scroll within the menu and the input button is set to the confirm option.
This project is the development of my previous LEGOLED and TEMPO.
The RGB led matrix panel now has a resolution of 32x64, so it is possible to display more intelligent graphic, fixed and scrolling text at the same time.
With the TEMPO function, the device is automatically turned on and off without any buttons or external timers.
The PIR module detects the presence of the person, so turn the display on/off.
Weather forecast and calendar data provided by Google Calendar and Open weather map are collected every minute.
Starting with Raspberry pi B, 2 module 16x64 rgb led matrix and power supply, this project is fully customizable.
It can be expanded as I did, adding a USB sound card, speaker, on/off power circuit. (*)
This guide is basically rasplite Lite based on Python 2.
7 and rgb led matrix libraries for Hzeller Github users.
First of all, if audio features are required, set external sound card parameters from Githubblacklist RPI internal sound card: Change: default. ctl. card 0defaults. pcm.
Card 0 todefaults. ctl. card 1defaults. pcm.
Then restart card 1.
Now install the matrix library and install the other libraries you need: copy samplebase.
From ~ Py script for/rpi-rgb-led-
Matrix/binding/python/sample/Register for free with the home directory get API key to open the weather MapInstall now OWM Python wrapper for PYthon 2. 7 (
Due to CSPARPAGithub users)
Let the Google Calendar voucher explain the script of the APIFor audio playback installation PygameRSS feed requirement Feedparser installedcopy oraeng_131. py (English version)or ORAita_131. py (Italian version)
To the home directory create folders for sound and pictures: Download All PNG files and copy them to the owm folder from the following link, copy mp3 files to the dbsounds folderAPI_key)
Set the city for weather forecast (
Check if OWM covers it and accept the correct name)
On line 213, 215obs = owm.
Weather _ location (\'Napoli,IT\')fc = owm.
3-hour forecast (\'Napoli,IT\')
Updating the new Google calendar API will cause problems.
I have fixed the problem of removing some modules: when trying to run the script for the first time, the script asks for GCAL authorization.
Click on the link to the google api credentials.
Then you will see the clock start if everything is OK.
Due to the excessive use of RAM after a few hours, I wrote a script that only needs to restart the python script when RAM usage exceeds the threshold.
Then copy the script named memcheck to the home directory and rename it to memcheck.
Sh and add to crontab-
The main script needs to be modified accordingly according to your needs.
Assuming that the OWM and Goggle calendar credentials are set to their respective API instructions, the most important parameters are: the calendar event list is in minutes 2, 32 (
See Line 65 of scripts)
Weather conditions and forecasts are carried out every hour in 7, 37 minutes (
See Line 66 of the script)
11 minutes an hour for breaking news (
See Line 67 of scripts)
News Feed
The internal script is set to construct RSS but can be changed. (
See 366 lines of script)
Obviously, the script prioritizes the incomings calendar events or reminder notifications.
Sometimes, the clock does not perform its functions in order to avoid cross-functional.
The Attiny85 on/off timer needs to be programmed to upload the sketch temp_vasi9_1 mhz _ bugfix. ino .
This allows the device to be turned on at 8 in the morning and off at 23.
See the tutorial for more information.
There are basically three parts of the circuit.
Power on/off timer for DS3231 module, Attiny85 and Mosfet handling-
Switch for manual control of clock function-
The connection part of rgb led matrix data and power wiring, audio amplifier and raspberry PiNot mention the resistor divider that allows the RPI to read the progress of the high/low 5v signal project from the attiny85 switch.
Basically, the DS3231 sends a low signal to the Attiny85 interrupt pin that wakes it up from sleep mode.
At wake-up, Attiny85 sends a high signal to the Mosfet transistor, activating the power circuit of the RPI, LED matrix and audio amplifier (
If not connected to additional PS via relay, as my last configuration).
To turn off the RPI, my script considers listening for digital signals on pin 14 when the RPI is at a high level, called the off command.
The RPI then performs the correct shutdown process, and then after a minute, Attiny85 goes back to sleep mode and the Mosfet receives a low signal to turn off the entire device.
The process is rough but effective.
The PIR module is optional and is connected directly to the rpi gpio.
My configuration requires the following rpi gpio pins to be connected: 15 to PIR14 to Attiny85 pin 3 relay module 2 to the switch via voltage divider 21 (ENTER BUTTON)3 to switch (
Change status button)Issues:-
Due to the noise of the LED matrix power supply, a small PS using only the audio amplifier is solved.
Optional relays allow the amplifier to be turned on only if required.
This can cause raised noise when it is on/off.
The circuit has been etched using copper plates, 3D printers, markers, and iron chloride.
I have adapted a universal 40x 50 cm frame to this project with 3D printed parts and some optional add-ons.
The glass is shielded from window solar film and frosted plastic sheet.
To avoid seeing the white inside the LEDs, the Led matrix needs to be kept at a distance of about 1 cm from the glass.
Small screws are required for M3 nuts and bolts.
Cable and hot solid sheath are necessary.
The Led matrix is screwed on the back panel of the frame.
The next step will be to add a temperature sensor, activate the Bluetooth feature, and why not add an Internet radio player until the Raspberry Pi potential is maximized.
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