Is led strip dmx decoder tested before shipment?
The Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is one of many types of quality control inspections conducted by IPOIPON General Electric Industry Co.Ltd.. This inspection is done according to standard QC Test, or based upon customer requirements. Samples are selected and inspected for defects at random, according to these standards and procedures. For us, Pre-Shipment Inspection is an important step in the quality control process and is the method for checking the quality of dmx decoder before they are shipped.
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With the high-end technology, IPON LED has won wide recognition from customers with the exquisite led control system. IPON is mainly engaged in the business of led driver suppliers and other product series. The product helps create a perfect wearing experience. It has enough softness and cushioning function both in the forefront, arch, and rear parts. A Perfect Device for Lighting Control. IPON LED Dimmable Drivers enjoys market presence and reputation in overseas countries. Solutions Beyond Illumination.
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our company General Electric Industry Co.Ltd. will complete customer service system to provide customers with the best service.

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