Is installation service provided for dali dimmable led driver ?
IPOIPON General Electric Industry Co.Ltd. offers after-sales service including installation service for the smooth follow-on use of dali dimmable led driver . Also, we've set up a professional service team to follow up with any issues raised by customers. For helping them with installing the products, we will arrange engineers who are very familiar with the internal structure and every part of the product to guide you install the products step by step. If required, we are glad to have a video call to give a clear view of installing the products on site.
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With abundant know-how in manufacturing wireless led drivers, IPON General Electric Industry Co.Ltd. stands out among thousands of manufacturers in China market. IPON's main products include constant voltage led driver series. The production of IPON LED microwave motion sensors is invested a lot, from R&D to the production equipment, which maximize the performance of he product. Solutions Beyond Illumination. The product features low washing defects. During the washing stage, washing faults have been controlled at a minimal level, with less occurrence of discoloration, washing marks, or poor hand feel. Solutions Beyond Illumination.
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